

Analyzing Growth Rate

Since first quarter of the year is over, it is now again the best time to build some comparison reports based on financial insights shared by professionals and spectators in the market. Hence, we would like to share this article where AAPL was again declared one of the top gainers of this year’s Q1.  Our team, determined to giving the best financial analysis services, also had used AAPL’s data in presenting a comparative reports using  Compounded Annual Growth Rate (CAGR). We all know that CAGR is useful in comparing performance of businesses or investments having volatile financial records. With few steps and some excel skills, this simple analysis can be done in minutes, of course using the best Excel Add-in  tool XBRLAnalyst.


We will start with AAPL as basis for comparison.  Using Finvalue or XBRLFact functions, easily return values for few consecutive years. In our example, we will have a 7-year comparison starting from 2010. Alternatively, you can also use the “Historical Data” feature, if you are comparing more financial metrics. But for this sample, we will just be analyzing “Revenue” with YOY growth rate and CAGR, plus presentation of related “Cash from Operations“, all readily available in XBRLAnalyst’s Normalized Financials.



As a result, this simple yet useful report which can be used to compare companies having totally different and volatile historical financial data.  Another set of pivot table and chart was designed side by side in order to better visualize comparison of company data, just change the Tickers, Year and Financial Metrics. Check below your free excel template:



And since our iXBRLAnalyst in Google Sheets is free to try for S&P 100 companies, we also made a CAGR sample template  here.  Just follow the steps on using iXBRLAnalyst and you are ready to go.


Please subscribe to XBRLAnalyst to use our free excel and Google sheet templates on any public company filings in live SEC database. We will make sure to provide the best tools and templates for your financial analysis requirements.







If you would like to try XBRLAnalyst for Excel or iXBRLAnalyst, just register for a test drive (no Credit Card required!)

If you need assistance building Excel models that leverage XBRLAnalyst tools, contact us at  support@findynamics.com.

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